Parent Outreach Toolkit for Schools

Please use the attached toolkit to frame your comments about potential state funding cuts to charter schools and to sound the alarm for your families to ask their state legislators to oppose any and all proposed funding cuts to charter schools.

The toolkit contains easy-to-use downloadable materials designed to educate and engage parents to act on your behalf.

Toolkit contents:

  • Overview & Talking Points
  • Sample email copy to parents

Overview & Talking Points

We are in the throes of a predictable scenario in the Pennsylvania capitol. It’s budget season and state funding for charter schools is on the chopping block again. Every year, some politicians target our charter school children and families, claiming they are a drain on school district budgets. And, every year, charter school supporters explain that charter schools receive just 75 cents on the dollar compared to traditional schools.

If Harrisburg politicians are successful in reducing state funding for charter schools: 

  • Charter schools will close.
  • Some of the most vulnerable children who find success in charter schools will be harmed.
  • Parents will lose the right to choose the school best for their children.
  • Educational options will be reduced for children with unique physical, social and learning needs. 
  • Access to quality education for children will be eliminated ​ 
  • Pennsylvania taxpayers will pay about 25% more to educate children. ​ 
  • The large percentages of underserved and underrepresented populations that attend charter schools will be harmed.

Sample email to parents:

Subject: Charter school funding in peril

Preview: Act now to save your school

Dear *|FNAME|*

It feels like Groundhog Day. It’s budget season in Harrisburg and some politicians have charter school funding cuts on their agenda.

You’ve held them off before and we need your help again.

Please visit this link to send lawmakers a quick email and/or tweet asking them to protect charter school funding. 

Take Action

Draconian budget cuts threaten our ability to offer families a quality education. Please join us in this critically important effort to protect children and education in Pennsylvania.









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The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools (PCPCS) is the state’s largest and most active organization advocating for both brick-and-mortar and cyber charter schools. Pennsylvania’s 180 charter schools educate 140,000+ students, and demand for these public schools continues to grow with more than 40,000 students on charter school waitlists. For more information on PCPCS or charters schools, visit


Mechanicsburg, PA

(717) 766-4538